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Mar, 2024

WJFC Competition Try-Outs Now OPEN

If your child is interested in elevating their game play and increasing their skills, have them try out for one of the competition teams. After a successful pilot year, we are expanding our competition club. We invite all players between the birth years of 2010-2015 to try-out to join a competition team.

Tryouts for players trying out for the All-girls teams in the U9 (2016) - U12 (U11) will be held in the evenings of Wednesday May 22nd and Thursday May 23rd. Attendance is required both days.

Tryouts for players in U13 (2012), U14 (2011), and U15 (2010) will be held in the evenings of Tuesday May 28th and Wednesday May 29th. Attendance is required both days.

Tryouts for players in U9 (2016) - U12 (2013) will be held in the evenings of Thursday May 30th and Friday May 31st. Attendance is required both days.

Check-in: 5:30 PM
Tryouts: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Location: Constitution Park
7000 South 3200 West
West Jordan, Utah 84084

Registration for Try-outs is $20 per player and includes a training jersey. For more details, CLICK HERE. For questions regarding the competition soccer league, email [email protected].

We look forward to expanding this program with your help. If you, or if you know of someone, interested in coaching one of the competition teams or if you would like more details regarding coaching, please email [email protected].

West Jordan Youth Soccer

Brandon Jones 
West Jordan, Utah 84084
Email : [email protected]
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